29 February 2016

Second chance in life.

It is always wonderful to open something wonderful and new in your life.


     So wonderful to open up new things, to feel your purpose in this life. It's similar to seeing a light in the end of a tunnel or a clear direction in a foggy path. A very great feeling it is. If there was a option to sacrifice my life to something I wouldn't pick religion, nor any human being,  it would be only art... so much wonderful aspects art and culture can open to us. So many things. But sadly life is to short to learn it all.

    This is how I opened music and dance to my life, not just any dance  and music but ballet and orchestra. Who would know how wonderful such different things would combine together. It is like a brother and sister who full-fill one another and help show their every wonderful details and aspect so greatly that you are only left in a light shock.
   From my past experience on literature I could only accept classical novels and books , nothing later then the 19th century, same thing I would like to say about my taste in music and ballet. To all the options I would like to give a very big respect to Stravinsky,a Russian compositor who gave me a second breath of overlooking my interests in life. Only listening to a symphony from him opens so many emotions that is it hard to describe.