15 June 2015

Studying as a architect...

Hello art readers.

In this blog i would like to talk a bit about myself and whats going on in my life right now. Well, as i said right now i am busy with my exams,but some of my works i already succeeded with..Currently i am a architect student on second semester and here are some of my works i would like to share.

Sketch for security house.

Before any project or just original work we, students, have to draw a sketch to show our ideas before actually drawing our works ...well here was my first idea of my security house.Sadly this idea couldn't  fit by the standards of our education system,so unfortunately i had to completely change my idea.

              Project security house.

In second semester we are allowed to do simple models of houses , so i dedicated to make a roadblock that is situated near the forests for military purposes.Also drawing this projected i used watercolor paints mixed with ink. My architecture projecting teacher really liked how carefully made this work,even though my idea is simple and plane.

Composition modeling figures.

This is a figure for composition modeling class...the main idea was to show that this object is 3 d and in any foreshortening you can see the volume of different edges and angles.

 These are my failed works they are not correct but i still would like to show them^^

 The idea of this figure is that there should be a main center that is shown by other figures with metric and rhythm objects,in my case i used cubes and paralleled objects.

These are little fast basic works that I had in first semester. (Funny watching how easy they were)

Little army of future figures 

Graphics class.

 Modern chair.

This Is a sculpture that we had to make up by ourselves , the idea is from a big block to make a human figure( that is how ancient Egypt sculpture worked ) so from all the correct rules of drawing this is how mine turned out.