10 May 2015


"Landscape of the ruins of the future."

"Kosmoplastitsizm. Antiquity. XXI century"

April 13-21, 2015.

     Victor F. Orlowski - Honored Architect of Russia, Professor of Moscow Institute of Architecture State Academy, professor of the International Academy of Architecture, member of the Union of Moscow Architects and the Moscow Union of Artists.
          In the late 80s he began to create artistic compositions that do not fit into any of the modern trends in art. This trend he called "Kosmoplastitsizm."    Kosmoplastitsizm - a fundamentally new, author, philosophy of art, reflecting the search for harmony and beauty in modern conditions of civilization. At the heart of kosmoplastitsizma - the idea of ​​a new world-scale planetary harmony. This idea is opposed to chaos, destruction, natural disasters.

"Great things show that the universe belongs
     to each person living in it. "

  Project of a chapel and composition

"Church of nature"

Project of a church

" Allegory of youth" 1990 . Tempera on canvas .

The main meaning of life - it's creative work in the knowledge of ourselves and the world. Opening the different laws, creating works of art that we know about nature, and thus reveal the grand design of the Universe itself. This process is timeless and it brings us to the absolute idea impossibles. Probably the meaning and evolution of the universe is our destination.But this topic is very deep and everyone will have their own idea of it. Here I would like to quote the American astronomer Carl Sagan Edward: "The space is within us, we are made of stellar beings.Us - this is the way the space knows himself." This is the main idea that Dmitry Orlovsky wants to bring us.


The journey begins!

The journey begins!
With lots of love and passion this trip will reveal!

Movie: Pure Bertolucci